Women's Foundation California

Feminists for
Racial, Economic,
& Gender Justice

At Women’s Foundation California, we believe policy and culture work best in tandem. Whether it’s protecting reproductive justice or collaborating with our community, we know racial, economic, and gender justice are at the heart of the solution to any systemic problem. We are working together to envision and create a shared feminist future:


Feminists for
Racial, Economic,
& Gender Justice

At Women’s Foundation California, we believe policy and culture work best in tandem. Whether it’s protecting reproductive justice or collaborating with our community, we know racial, economic, and gender justice are at the heart of the solution to any systemic problem. We are working together to envision and create a shared feminist future:


Introducing Our New Strategic Framework

We are overjoyed to introduce Women’s Foundation California’s new strategic framework: Theory of the Future.

Our values, alegría, power, and belonging, are the heart of our organization, guiding our work daily and driving our dreams for a feminist future.

Together, we’re building a multiracial, feminist democracy where grassroots communities thrive in health, safety, and prosperity, and where systems are rooted in love and justice.


We Amplify

We amplify the voices, values, and impact of our community partners, facilitating their ability to organize, undertake policy advocacy, shift culture, and build narrative power through funding and messaging.

We Redistribute

Redistribution is a feminist act. We are challenging and disrupting the white, cisgender-hetero- patriarchal norms of traditional philanthropy. As we reallocate knowledge, power, and resources, we trust the leadership and vision of women and gender-expansive people’s lived experiences.

We Mobilize

We cultivate and connect leaders throughout the state, harnessing relationships to create a vibrant community. By mobilizing resources and supporting grassroots movements, we ensure that our collective endeavors—bolstered by the support of donors and community power— yield meaningful and lasting progress toward liberation.

Intersectional Feminist Grantmaking.

Our Grant Partners

  • Supporting community partners closest to the problem through a trust-based approach and multi-year funding.
  • Empowering grassroots organizations led by and for communities building movements for justice.
  • Redistributing capital towards communities
    historically marginalized by white supremacy, racial capitalism, colonialism, and heteropatriarchy.


Advance Racial, Economic, and Gender Justice

Together We Are Unstoppable.

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